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Tomoyo Daidouji

[Japanese Name]Tomoyo Daidouji
[English Name] Madison Taylor
[Birthday] September 9
[Blood Type] A
[Family Members] A mother
[Grade] 4
[Favorite Color] Light yellow, White
[Favorite Flower] Violet, Sakura
[Favorite Food] Sushi
[Favorite Subject] Music, Chinese
[Extra-curricular Activity] Choir
[Most Wanted] A new video camera
[Description] Tomoyo is a very sweet and quiet young girl. She's in the same class as Sakura and is Sakura's best friend. Tomoyo knows Sakura secret as a card captor and is very happy knowing that Sakura has magical powers. She's usually seen with a video camera in her hands, because she's always video taping Sakura whenever she gets a chance! Tomoyo is behind all those outfits that Sakura wears during a battle. She's very talented at sewing and making all those outfits. Tomoyo is also very rich but she doesn't say much about her wealth.

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Hi allz!!! We have gotten a domain and it's the future home of lovely sakura. We will not tell u yet what our domain is, so wait! :)
- Kumai  

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