Show Lyrics
"North American Theme Song"
Wind, Rain, Shadow, Wood, Sword, Thunder, Power, Sleep
Cardcaptors of the Clow
Expect the unexpected now!
The secrets of the Clow
Were all a Mystery
But when this mighty book was opened
The powers were set free
Cardcaptors, a mystic adventure
Cardcaptors, a quest for all time
Each card possesses a power of its own
We've got to find them to bring the power home
Wind, Rain, Shadow, Wood, Sword, Thunder, Power, Sleep
Cardcaptors of the Clow
Expect the unexpected now!
Cardcaptors, a mystic adventure
Cardcaptors, a quest for all time
Japanese Translated Lyrics
"Catch You Catch Me"
Japanese opening theme for CardCaptor Sakura Movie
I want to see you, but I can't see you.
This feeling I have is so lonely.
I can't tell, but I want to tell you.
I keep missing my chance.
But still, But still...
I want to spread my wings with you...
Marathon across the skies with you and have dreams in unison with you.
Now, catch you, catch you...
Catch me, catch me, wait for me.
Look over here and tell me you love me.
Yes, nice to meet you...
Good to see you...
I'm sure of it.
Let my feelings for you fly, fly...
Fly to your heart.
Ending song for Cardcaptor Sakura Movie
Let's head out of town you depress yourself being alone, right?
You end in a loop of sadness.
Ah, now you're worrying it more.
Let's jump outside there's nothing to worry about.
The Earth's been turning since a long time.
I'm sure the Moon is, too.
Brand-New love song, Halle-Hallelulah.
Let's go nuts and fall in love.
Simple everyday life, ordinary feelings.
You always have things you must protest.
Thanks To Kawaii Sakura and Yugi from Sakura HQ for the provided lyrics above.